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Muratov's Lectures

6 февр. 2023 г.

February, 6, 2023 at  11 a. m. Eastern Standard Time

Dear friends,

on February, 6, 2023 at  11 a. m. Eastern Standard Time, we will continue the lecture series  Muratov's Lectures, a cycle of lectures about Pavel Muratov, his contemporaries, and Xenia Michajlovna. The second lecture, entitled P. Muratov’s Role in the Creation of the Museum of Oriental Art in Russia, will be given in Russian by Prof. Irina V. Vaganova, lecturer at the Chair of Journalism at the University of the Humanities and Social Sciences in St. Petersburg, editor of the journal “Elitnyj kvartal” and author of numerous scholarly contributions on Pavel Muratov and his entourage.

Here is the link to Google Meet:

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,

The Pavel Muratov International Centre of Studies

© Международный Научно-исследовательский Центр Павла Муратова, 2023.

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