27 февр. 2023 г.
Membership Enrollment 2023
The Liberassociazione Paolo Muratov/ The Pavel Muratov International Centre of Studies, founded in
2012 in Rome by Prof. Xenia М. Muratova, is back to being a fully operational reality, which in 2020-
2022 has produced results described in detail - as well as its mission statement – in the website
We would be happy to have your support in this 2023 as well!
Membership fee for 2023
For residents in the West:
You can pay by bank transfer made out to Liberassociazione Paolo Muratov, IBAN IT26 Z
02008 05219 000106049934, BIC UNCRITM178L (Unicredit Banca. Filiale Roma Viale Libia.
ag01748, Piazza Gimma, 14, 00199) specifying name, surname, address, posted as
"membership fee for 2023 to Liberassociazione Paolo Muratov". The payment should be
reported to Maria Teresa Badolati, new Treasurer of the Association
In particular, we suggest US residents to consult with Prof. Lena Lenček (llencek@reed.edu)
who will suggest the best method of payment.
Individual membership: 50€ /60$;
Students and graduate students membership fee: 30€ / 36$;
Organisations, institutions: 70€ / 85$;
Sustaining (donors) members: 100€ / 130$, or higher.
In case you want to send a higher amount, or a donation, do it in the same bank transfer or in
a separate one, in which to indicate "Contribution for institutional purposes". Donations are
tax deductible in some countries, but not in Italy.
For residents in Russia
The fee can be credited to credit card no. 2202 2007 7670 9873, made out to Viktoriya
Saveleva, contact person of the Association for Russia, with the reason for payment: "chlenskij
vznos za 2023 g. Liberassociazione Paolo Muratov".
Individual membership: 1000 rubles;
Students and graduate students membership fee: 800 rubles;
Organisations, institutions: 2000 rubles;
Retired members: 500 rubles;
Organisations, institutions: 2000 rubles;
Supporting (donor) members: free contribution over 2500 rubles.