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Dear friends

Rita Giuliani

10 июл. 2022 г.

A warm “Thank you” to those who have renewed your membership for 2022 and those who intend to do so.

Dear friends,

A warm “Thank you” to those who have renewed your membership for 2022 and those who intend to do so.

As you have noticed, the outbreak of war has ‘frozen’ the cultural activity of our Association, but we believe that the only way to ‘resist’ is to follow the example of Muratov and devote ourselves to beautiful, high themes.

In this spirit, we decided to organize “Muratov Lectures”, a cycle of lectures about Muratov, his contemporaries, and Xenia Mixajlovna, who was a prominent figure in the Russian emigration of our time. We propose to limit the lectures to 45 minutes. Anyone wishing to offer one of these lectures needs only to notify us as soon as possible, indicating a specific topic (e.g. aspects of the work, memoirs, cultural relations, etc.). Since we cannot afford the costs of simultaneous translations, the languages of the lectures will be Russian, Italian or English. We expect to inaugurate the Lectures in September 2022.

As per the bylaws of the Association, we will soon have to renew the governance of the Association and proceed with the election of the 5 members of the Board, including the President. The experience of the past two years suggests that we should again proceed on a volunteer basis: those who are willing to cooperate and share the aims of the Association, as

reported on our website, are requested to communicate their availability by July, 31.

Best regards,

Rita Giuliani

Please notice: the e-mail account is managed by the Association’s Secretary,

Donatella Di Leo. The e-mail account is managed by Rita Giuliani.

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© Международный Научно-исследовательский Центр Павла Муратова, 2023.

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